Emerging Technologies
Telanganaâs vision is to be a pacesetter for emerging technologies and to fabricate this vision numerous initiatives were introduced. The government has created a vertical for emerging technologies to develop the ecosystem required for the industry as well as to make the government departments adopt emerging technologies. 8 key emerging technologies – Blockchain, AI, IoT, Cloud, 3D Printing, VR/AR, Robotics and Big Data were identified that could impact the government and the businesses.
An initiative formulated to actively provide a market to the national treasure created by top scientific research institutions in Telangana. The government has identified the gaps in this innovation-entrepreneurship-investment ecosystem, thereby preventing the utilization of R&D in these institutions. RICH serves as a platform that cardinally connects research institutions & academia with industry bodies along with investors.
Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge(TASK) is a non profit organization setup by the state government in 2014 working with the primary objective of making the youth more employable skillfully, thereby fettering the unemployment rate. With a three-pronged approach it caters to students from diverse academic courses and socio-cultural backgrounds.
T-hub is an innovation and business incubator providing state of the art facility to Indian and International startups emphasizing on providing a better and beneficial platform with a distinct industry structured environment .It uses the Triple Helix model of innovation which helps in fostering better social and economic development. Incorporated in 2015, it has contributed over 1100 national and international startups with access to better technology, talent, mentors, customers, corporates, investors and government agencies.
Telangana Innovation Cell
Under the mandate of the state innovation policy, Telangana Innovation Cell (TGIC) was set up in 2017 to build & nurture the culture of innovation and business creativity in the state of Telangana. TGIC was designed and implemented for various initiatives with major focus around Grassroots and Social Innovation. The objectives of these initiatives can be classified into four categories; Grassroot Stimulation, Ecosystem Enablement, Distribution of Innovation and Innovation in Governance. The primary approach was to achieve the objectives by increasing community participation by mobilizing resources of the existing network of ecosystem partners. Â
An initiative of the Government of Telangana, T-Works aims to create and nurture a culture of hobbyists, makers and innovators who explore and experiment without the fear of failure. T-Works operates out of a 78000 sq ft facility, being recognised as Indiaâs largest platform for prototype development. The state-of-the-art facility provides industry grade tools and equipment for additive prototyping, electronics workstation, finish shop, laser cutting and engraving, PCB fabrication, pottery, pre-compliance, metal shop, weld shop and woodworking.
WE Hub is Indiaâs first and only State led incubator for women entrepreneurs to introduce Entrepreneurship culture. Initiated as a response to the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in 2017, the formation of WE Hub was announced in November 2017 with operations commencing from March 2018. WE Hub works with an objective to ensure that all women entrepreneurs in the country have access to technical, financial, governmental and policy support required to start-up, sustain and progress according to the current global market .
Y-Hub is a collaborative initiative of Government of Telangana and UNICEF. Our vision at Y-Hub is to nurture problem solving and Entrepreneurial potential in children, adolescents and the youth of Telangana.
Y-HUB is dedicated to creating a conducive environment for young innovators and entrepreneurs across Telangana, emphasising on inclusivity and sustainability.